Dr. Martin Braml

Co-founder and Partner of Munich Economics


Currently, Martin works as Policy Advisor at the German Federal Ministry of Finance for Energy and Climate questions and is lecturer for international trade policy the University of Passau. Prior to that Martin served for two years as Research Economist at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland, and was Junior Economist at the Munich-based Ifo Institute of Economic Research, Germany’s leading economic think tank, for more than four years. At its Center for International Trade, Martin was involved in several economic consulting projects, e.g. for the EU Commission, the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy, and the Chamber for Industry and Commerce. His analyses covered, amongst others, trade policy evaluations, including social and environmental outcomes, examinations of cross-border supply chains and international investment policies.

Martin holds a PhD in Economics awarded by the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU) in 2020. In 2019, he was invited to the Economics Department at Stanford University for a six-month research visit. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Finance from the Universidad Pompeu Fabra/ Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. Before that, Martin studied Economics in Munich and Copenhagen.

In 2016, Martin worked as intern at the Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai, where he undertook a research project on macroeconomic determinants for India’s foreign trade. Other positions as intern were at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the corporate trade optimization (transfer pricing), and as business developer at doo.com, a cloud software provider.

Martin was selected by the Bavarian Elite Academy for a two-year extra-curricular training in leadership and management for top students. He received scholarships from the Hanns Seidel Foundation and the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstifung des deutsches Volkes). Martin is alumnus of the Honor’s Program in Economics of the LMU and was part of the ECONnect – Economists Connected Program of the Munich Economics Alumni Association. In 2020, Martin was awarded the Ludwig Erhard Price (promotion award) for economic journalism.

Martin’s main expertise lies in energy and climate policies, international economics, and macroeconomics. In these fields, he significantly contributed to economic policy debates in Germany. Consequently, he is frequently interviewed as economic expert by national and international television broadcasters and serves as guest author for various media outlets. You can book Martin as keynote speaker or for panel discussions here.